viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009


I believe that actual recession in US is because the attractive mortgages given to all the people who wanted to afford a house, because banks started to loan money to every people even with no credit history, and this how can be related, was a stupid decision even when investors of real estate were only interested on grow, due the good view of the economy, and well, this seemed ok at the beginning but, what happens next when every single person could afford a house? Well, they only were paying interest at the beginning but, then when they couldn´t sell their homes before pay all the mortgage is when the crash comes down, and the crisis comes.

The stock market for investors is going riskly and course nobody will risk on that, or the ones who where exited gambling on them, are now crying due sudden down or recession. As result federal reserve was supplying money to get up of crisis, and banks didn´t want anymore to get in this bad play, and as an obvious result of all this unemployment was expected. And if we notice we are in a consumer society where almost all of our money is making circles, when crisis like this happens, consumers are out of money, so there would be a offer-demand problem, causing all the market a down, which is reflected in a economic crisis in general, for example the low sales of GM, Ford, etc.

Let consider not all the people who buy stocks are perceptive to this changes enough before to don´t put in risk all the money, instead buy more, therefore, is difficult to know what is going to happen exactly with the economic situation.

And finally, I believe government has a unique strategy to benefit themselves, and another people, due the huge amount given of federal reserve to banks in order to solve the crisis, is like put in debt all the country to generating interests, and in a short or long term put situation in control again, believing most of people that government has saved the day again.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

30 seconds comercial

Well, i learned how to improve my self in a presentation and how to don´t get nervous and give a secure image of my self in order to make a good impression, and then get a good job

domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

The first 2 weeks of classes....

This first 14 days have been a bit strange, not only because is a new school or whatever, is also that there are 20,000 people taking classes and si kind of where I belong to ?... hehe.
I have some friends who are from the same town as me and study here and at least is ok, because ain´t alone to hang out.
Regarding the classes, it takes time to get well involved to the system, I´ve never taken a Hybrid class and that stuff of blackboard. I´m afraid in a few years I´ll have to visit the oculist with these hybrid classes, so long exposure to computer drive me crazy.
Now I´m understanding how to write correctly and manage my time to do not waste time in the afternoon or complete all my tasks, even is difficult to me sometimes due I want to do all at the same time, but it really worth it what I´ve learned in this class. Maybe without this class, would be more messy to organize and do things properly.
I hope to achieve more knowledge in the future in order to improve my skills and be successful in the competitive world of business, given the fact the change is constant.

lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Our deepest fear...

I´ve just seen the video called and it makes me analyze because all the time I had been thinking that fears are the dark side of us or at least what make us away from the reality, anyway is a poem but certainly it´s based on something very important.

People around us are happy, sad, angry or whatever and all of them have fears or limitations, we as persons, are spending time with relatives, friends, and people of daily life and course all that bad energy or thoughts  we catch of them is harming our dreams and giving us  fear to do not what we ever wanted, limiting our capacity to have done so many projects. 
Maybe we talented more than we expected, but there´s selfishness in the world, only the smart keeps the mouth closed when it should to.

Is just to encourage each other to give the best, don´t looking what you could receive for it.
If you see actually how wasted society is, you´ll be able to discover that there´s a mess due the few evil minds who don´t let all population to develop all human potential, and consequently are under the fear mentioned above.