domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2009

The first 2 weeks of classes....

This first 14 days have been a bit strange, not only because is a new school or whatever, is also that there are 20,000 people taking classes and si kind of where I belong to ?... hehe.
I have some friends who are from the same town as me and study here and at least is ok, because ain´t alone to hang out.
Regarding the classes, it takes time to get well involved to the system, I´ve never taken a Hybrid class and that stuff of blackboard. I´m afraid in a few years I´ll have to visit the oculist with these hybrid classes, so long exposure to computer drive me crazy.
Now I´m understanding how to write correctly and manage my time to do not waste time in the afternoon or complete all my tasks, even is difficult to me sometimes due I want to do all at the same time, but it really worth it what I´ve learned in this class. Maybe without this class, would be more messy to organize and do things properly.
I hope to achieve more knowledge in the future in order to improve my skills and be successful in the competitive world of business, given the fact the change is constant.

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